The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services intends to proclaim a “condominium guide” into force effective December 1, 2020 and it’s looking for input!
“The ministry will be providing the CAO with a table of contents for the condo guide that outlines some core

Ministry seeks feedback on “Condo Guide”

Condominium Fees & Assistance
In these times, many people find themselves out of work and possibly struggling to pay condominium contributions.
The condominium corporation still has to pay for services. These services – including building cleaning – are more important than ever right now, so condominium fees and schedules cannot

Judge sides with Edmonton condo board in banning online short-term rentals
A recent ruling in Alberta has confirmed that Condo boards can prevent owners from renting their units on short term rental web sites.
Judge sides with Edmonton condo board in banning online short-term rentals
Image by InstagramFOTOGRAFIN from Pixabay
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IBC tackles condominium insurance issue by hiring risk manager
This article from Insurance Business discusses how difficult it is for condos to get insurance, and how BC is handling the issue:
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Condo Board Forces Leasing Through the Management Company
Some interesting details about a rental situation where a condo requires owners to use a specific rental company to rent out their unit:
Image by mastersenaiper from Pixabay

Common Element Modifications by Owners – The Role of the Board
A recent article discusses how an Ontario Court ruled on an issue of conflict when an owner wanted to combine two units into one, requiring modifying some common elements.
Image by Andy Gries from Pixabay

Breach of Condominium Rules: Things to Consider When Bringing a Compliance Application
Check out this information about a recent judgement in Superior Court of Judgement in the case of a noise disturbance by a tenant:
Breach of Condominium Rules: Things to Consider When Bringing a Compliance Application
(Image by Mimzy from Pixabay)
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Condo News For Sale General Real Estate News
Energy Efficiency Offerings
Energy efficiency is always a hot topic. Now more than ever, there are programs targeted to our home and condo owners. The LED lighting perks are always one of Karen King & Associates Inc.’s favourites.
We have been asked about the currently energy savings programs

Condo News General Real Estate News
New #Calgary #Condominium #Composting Requirement Effective November 1, 2017
Calgary has made its new composting requirements official. Starting November 1, 2017, Calgary condominiums will be required to separate out food and yard waste and provide a collection program for this composting.
More specifically, the City of Calgary has the following requirements:
Provide on-site
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Secure Your Condo! Part 2 of 2 (For Condo Boards)
For condo boards the onus is on you and your managers to maintain the integrity of the building. This goes beyond the bounds of routine maintenance and reserve fund projects. The following list contains several areas your condo board can focus on to heighten your security
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